Bio-Hydraulic Fluids, Bio-Ultimax 1000, from Renewable Lubricants, are ultimately biodegradable vegetable based formulas that replace mineral oil based hydraulic fluids. Bio-Ultimax hydraulic fluids are formulated to perform in hydraulic systems that require Anti-Wear (AW), anti-rust, anti-oxidation, anti-foam, and demulsibility properties. They are highly inhibited against moisture and rusting in both fresh and sea water and pass both A and B Sequences of the ASTM D-665 Turbine Oil Rust Test. Incorporating the super high viscosity index of the Stabilized* High Oleic Base Stocks (HOBS) into the formula, increases the viscosity index past synthetic levels (Energy Conserving Formulas). Zinc-free additive systems have also been developed that are environmentally friendly and meet or exceed pump requirements.
It has a flash point of 450 degrees F for added safety around hot running equipment. The environmentally friendly fluid is available in various weights, including ISO 32, 46, 68, and 100. The high Viscosity Index fluid can be used in systems up to 10,000 psi.
They are designed for use in mobile and stationary hydraulic vane, piston, and gear-type pumps and have shown to have exceptional anti-wear performance. Very little wear was encountered, 0 to 25mg (Pass), in accelerated biobased tests using Denison T-5D, Vickers 20VQ, 35VQ-25 (M-2950-S), and V-104C (ASTM D-2882) pump stand tests at pressures and temperatures ranging from 2000 to 3000 psi and from 1500 to 2100 F. The anti-wear performance exceeds the requirements for US Steel 126 and 127, load stage 10 in the FZG (DIN 51354), DIN 51524, and GM (LS-2). They also meet the requirements for ashless GL-3 gear oils in reduction units and gear sets where they meet the viscosity ranges. Bio-Ultimax AW 1000 meets and exceeds Federal Specifications A-A-59354 Superseding MIL-H-46001D.
Renewable Lubricants
Filed Under: Components Oil Coolers, Fluids, Sealing & Contamination Control Tips