In this issue:
32 Careful monitoring ensures reliability in high-speed hydraulics
38 Engineering a groundbreaking hydraulic hybrid
48 Pneumatics makes quick work of packaging lane changes
54 Pneumatic valves continue to inspire unique applications
Expanding your options online
One of our passions here at Fluid Power World is providing you with all your need-to-know engineering information not just in print, but online—whether through traditional websites or via a host of social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
In addition to our main web portal,, which features a
broad look at fluid power as does the print magazine, we have what we call more “vertical” websites that examine more specific aspects of the technology: MobileHydraulicTips.
com, and These three sites provide you with in-depth detailed technical information, application stories, product release information, and industry news—as well as opinions from our dynamic editorial staff.
Yet, as we’ve grown over the past few years, it’s become obvious that there was a need for another vertical site, and I’m proud to announce its launch here: Sealing and Contamination Control Tips, at We’ve heard it all before: Contamination control is of the utmost importance to any fluid power system, and the numbers bear it out. An estimated 75 to 80% of hydraulic system failures can be directly attributed to improper filtration. Metal and other wear particles cause significant damage, especially at high pressures and when cycled through a system over and over.
On this new site, we’re looking at several different areas that I think you’ll find interesting, including:
• Filters
• Contamination issues
• Seals
• Hydraulic fluids, and
• Testing equipment
Once again, we want to make it easier for you to find the specific technology answers on whatever may be concerning you, whether it’s about a particular component, system design, maintenance or troubleshooting. I hope you’ll check out today and I look forward to your feedback as to how we can evolve the site to best serve you and your fellow fluid power professionals.
Filed Under: Digital Issues