Engineers at Ryco, Houston Tex., have developed the JSEAL hose fitting, a JIC fitting that reportedly meets or exceeds the performance of O-ring face seal (ORFS) fittings. The design features a convex female seat that is engineered for use with any male JIC fitting. Due to a repositioned strike zone away from the male tip, and the strength and rigidity of the redesigned nut, the JSEAL reportedly handles double the torque and eliminates side-load issues. And thanks to its convex seat, the design can withstand up to double the working pressure of conventional JIC fittings, depending on the size. Company officials say the JSEAL fitting increases efficiency, improves productivity and reliability, and is more cost effective in terms of warranty claims and parts replacement.
The fitting stands out with a distinctive black nut, which resists vibration as well as excessive torque, stretching and cracking. For the user, no equipment modifications are required and the JSEAL is fully interchangeable with JIC. They’re available in versions for hose sizes from 0.25 to 2 in. and maximum working pressures from 250 to 700 bar, depending on the size.
Filed Under: Hose Assembly Tips