FDX Fluid Dynamix, located in Berlin, Germany, has developed the OsciLeak compressed air leak-detection system. It’s based on the company’s proprietary next-generation nozzle technology.
Compressed air is commonly used as an energy source, especially in industrial plants. According to FDX officials, it is estimated that 30% of the electricity generated in the U.S. is used to generate compressed air, making it the third most important energy source. Leakages are therefore not only annoying but also very expensive, especially in industrial plants. As one example, said FDX, the company Festo forecasts that 42% of the total savings potential of compressed air alone can be achieved through optimal leakage management. This is where the OsciLeak system fits in.
The OsciLeak system makes use of the unique properties of the OsciJet nozzle. The OsciJet nozzle, by design, generates an oscillation in its interior through clever flow guidance, the frequency of which is directly related to the volume flow. This frequency can be easily recorded and evaluated with a pressure sensor. Since frequencies are much easier to determine than absolute values, the system is not only very precise but also very robust.
The OsciLeak system essentially consists of evaluation electronics, a compressed air valve and an OsciJet nozzle, which starts to oscillate even at very low volume flows. During normal production operation, the valve is open and the compressed air passes through unhindered. For leakage detection, the consumers in the system are switched off and the valve is closed. If there is a leak downstream of the system, the compressed air flows over the OsciJet nozzle and causes it to oscillate. The electronics detect the oscillation and can even determine the volume flow of the leakage.
If an OsciLeak system is installed in front of each consumer and at other neuralgic points, leaks can be isolated section by section. The measurements are completed in just a few minutes and can also be carried out during a short shutdown. The individual components are connected and controlled via Modbus TCP, so that technicians need not run the entire system for this purpose. The components can also be easily integrated as an intermediate piece in the compressed air line and also only require a Modbus and power connection.
Commercial introduction of the OsciLeak system is expected in January 2022.
FDX Fluid Dynamix
Filed Under: Pneumatic Tips