Schroeder Industries is continuing the Fast Fifteen program by expanding the course materials offered in 2021.
Schroeder’s Fast Fifteen Program started in May 2020 at the crest of the pandemic. With most corporations vying for attention during the newly adapted digital age, Schroeder began providing online content (15-minutes or less) proven to help OEM’s and MRO Operations save thousands of dollars.
Organizations have been joining Schroeder’s expert staff for one-on-one reviews and learning ways to increase aftermarket revenue stream(s), reduce oil consumption, optimize hydraulics’ equipment space, enhance component replacements, and more.
With 29 available courses, there is an opportunity for every type of operation to save thousands of dollars in return for just a 15-minute investment in time. See full descriptions and register using the online scheduling tool available on
Available free Fast Fifteen courses include:
- Element Technology,
- Filter System & Diagnostics
- Fuel Filtration
- Hydraulic and Lube Filtration
- Hydraulic Accessories
- Process Filtration
Schroeder Industries
Filed Under: Filtration/Contamination Control, Sealing & Contamination Control Tips